5 Hacks That Send Helmet Head Packing!
Michelle DrumWe all know helmets are a necessary evil. Safety first of course. That also means we are all stuck with trying to make amends with our locks after cramming them unceremoniously into hairnets, hair ties, and helmets. We've come up with some life hacks to help you and your tresses look your best after your post-lesson torture session. With any luck, these hacks will help you go from barn rat to respectable when squeezing in that early morning ride before class or work!
1. Have A Game Plan
As you head out for the barn, resist the urge to scrape your hair into a tight bun, top knot, or ponytail while you are at the barn. This can cause breakages and split ends. If you’re not washing it afterward, it can also leave your hair with that crushed head look we all love so much, not to mention that awkward kink from your hair tie. Use a hair-friendly hair net, like the ones from RWR, they keep your hair smooth and help avoid the awkward kink with their unique design! Does your helmet already have an unsavory odor? - get some helmet deodorizer in that thing! Neutralize the odor so it doesn't make your hair smell stinky after your ride!
2. Braids
They aren't just for the pony ring anymore! Throwing some braids into your hair, under your helmet will help it keep body and texture after your ride. Maybe a french braid with a tucked-up tail, a wishbone braid along both sides, or the backward french braid from the neck forward. These fun braids will leave your hair with a sun-kissed beach babe look. Like you just strolled off the sandy dunes at the shore.
3. Dry Shampoo
This stuff has been around FOREVER! Recently it has gotten a packaging upgrade and is being re-marketed like it's a new cutting edge product. Nope, it's been around for quite a while and our friends who run or hit the gym daily LOVE IT. Lightly spray dry shampoo onto your DRY hair BEFORE you ride ( did I mention to make sure your hair is dry first?). The dry shampoo soaks up all the sweat and oil leaving your tresses feeling (and smelling) fresh! The perfect quick fix for that sweaty head! Make sure your hair is dry before you brush it out, otherwise you end up with a sticky residue. You'll probably do it at least once on accident. That's okay, no shame in rinsing it out of your head in the wash stall after you rinse your horse of course.
4. Hair Wraps
Another great option for curly or textured hair is a hair wrap. These are great pieces to use under your helmet, they soak up sweat and help pull moisture away from your head. You can find ones that are flat and lightweight so as not to mess with the fit of your helmet. The key to using one of these is to make sure your hair is dry before taking it off. Grab a hairdryer to speed up the process and you'll be ready for that post-lesson brunch with the girls in no time!
5. Refresh Your Hair
Try using a hair refreshing spray post-ride to revive that sweaty hair. Play around with different brands and styles, once you find one that works for you, it will give your hair body, and texture. Plus it will do some deep moisturizing and conditioning. Plus, a hair refresher will keep your hair smelling fresh all day.
When all else fails and you HAVE to look respectable in a hurry, a quick rinse with the hose and a clean towel is always an option, as well as the well-respected ball cap. :)