Snaffle Bits

Farm House Tack carries a complete selection of Snaffle bits to help you meet all of your training goals. Browse D-ring snaffle bits, Full Cheek, Loose Ring & Eggbutt snaffles. We offer a variety of Aurigan steel, stainless steel, & copper mouthpieces from top brands such as Albacon, Happy Mouth, Intrepid, Korsteel, Nunn Finer, Sprenger, Toklat & more.

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Types of Snaffle Bits


There are five styles of Snaffle Bits that are common in English riding disciplines. As with all bits, you can add accessories or fittings that create more comfort for the horse or make the bit more aggressive.

  1. Loose Ring Snaffle Bit — One of the most common, the English Loose Ring Snaffle is known as an all-purpose bit.
  2. D-Ring Snaffle Bit — The D-Ring Snaffle Bit is named for the shape of the rings it uses. Popular with racehorse riders, this bit reduces the chance of pinching. Some horses take well to D-Ring Snaffles, while others don’t.
  3. Eggbutt Snaffle Bit — This type of bit is ideal for young horses because it’s soft and gentle. It almost completely eliminates the possibility of pinching.
  4. Full Cheek Snaffle Bit — This type of bit makes it easier to turn the horse and ensures the bit isn’t pulled through the horse’s mouth.
  5. Half-Cheek Snaffle Bit — The Half Cheek Snaffle Bit (also called Half-Spoon Snaffle) position in the lower check and is primarily used for driving and occasionally in racing. The design makes them less likely to get caught on things.

Although there are various types and styles of horse bits, a snaffle bit is the most popular. A snaffle bit allows the rider to effectively communicate with their horse. If you're unsure on the type of snaffle bit that's best for your riding style one of our experts would be happy to help. Give us a call at 864-457-3557.